Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Resolve "Application is not available"
OpenShift - Resolve "Application is not available"

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

Let's say you have deployed an application to OpenShift, and when requesting the application, Application is not available is being returned.


An OpenShift route or an Ingress route will provide a URL such as which is used to route a request onto a service, which is then routed onto a pod, and then to the container in the pod, and finally to the application running in the container.



The oc get pods command can be used to determine if the pod is Running.

~]# oc get pods
my-pod-9mzm2    1/1     Running    0         8d
my-pod-zm5g6    1/1     Running    0         8d


Use the oc describe pod command to determine the ports the pod is listening for connections on.

~]$ oc describe pod my-pod-zm5g6
    Ports:          8080/TCP


If there are two (or more pods) in the namespace, the oc exec and curl command can be used to determine if one of the other pods is able to get a response from the pod with that is returning connection refused. In this example, the connection is successful, returning HTTP response code 200 OK.

~]$ oc exec pod/my-pod-9mzm2 -- curl --silent --insecure my-pod-zm5g6:8080 -v
* About to connect() to my-pod-zm5g6 port 8080 (#0)
*   Trying my-pod-zm5g6...
* Connected to my-pod-zm5g6 ( port 8080 (#0)
> Host: my-pod-zm5g6:8080
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 



The oc get services command can be used to determine if a service has been created for the pod that is not available. If not, the oc expose pod command can be used to create the service. 

~]$ oc get services
NAME          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
my-service    ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP   3m24s


The oc describe service command can be used to show details about the service. Notice in this example that the service is used to forward requests onto my-pod-zm5g6 on port 8080.

~]$ oc describe service my-service
Name:              my-service
Namespace:         my-project
Labels:            app=my-pod-zm5g6
Annotations:       <none>
Selector:          deployment=my-pod-zm5g6
Type:              LoadBalancer
Port:              8080-tcp  8080/TCP
TargetPort:        8080/TCP
Session Affinity:  None
Events:            <none>


If there are two (or more pods) in the namespace, the oc exec and curl command can be used to determine if you are able to get a response from the pod with that is not available using the service. In this example, the connection is successful, returning HTTP response code 200 OK.

~]# oc exec pod/my-pod-vmzmz -- curl my-service:8080 -v
* About to connect() to my-service port 8080 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to my-service ( port 8080 (#0)
> Host: my-service:8080
< HTTP/1.1 200



The oc get routes command can be used to list the routes. If not, the oc expose service command can be used to create the route.

~]# oc get routes
NAME          HOST/PORT                                         PATH   SERVICES     PORT     TERMINATION          WILDCARD
my-route           my-service   8080     reencrypt/Redirect   None


The curl command can be used to see if you are able to connect using the route.

~]$ curl -v
* connect to failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to Connection refused
command terminated with exit code 7


The oc describe route command can be used to display more details about the route. The route should be exposed on a router. In this example, the route is exposed on the default router.

~]$ oc describe route my-route
Name:                   my-route
Namespace:              my-project
Created:                17 minutes ago
Labels:                 name=my-route
Requested Host:
                           exposed on router default (host 17 minutes ago
Path:                   /example
TLS Termination:        <none>
Insecure Policy:        <none>
Endpoint Port:          8080

Service:        my-service
Weight:         100 (100%)


The default router pod should be in the openshift-ingress project.

~]$ oc get pod --namespace openshift-ingress
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
router-default-f6d44996c-sljgl   1/1     Running   2 (58m ago)   56d


The router pods run an haproxy (high availability proxy) load balancer. The oc exec command can be used to determine if the pod/service have been exposed on haproxy.

~]$ oc exec pod/router-default-76c5c89559-dclkw --namespace openshift-ingress -- cat /var/lib/haproxy/conf/haproxy.config | grep my-route
  server pod:my-pod:my-service:8080-tcp: cookie 15b9071e86b87a2b4b6f976291de96cf weight 256 check inter 5000ms



The oc get networkpolicies command can then be used to list the network policies that have been created that may be denying incoming (ingress) requests coming in:

  • from other projects / namespaces
  • that do not match a pods label
  • from an IP address outside of an IP subnet
~]$ oc get networkpolicies
NAME                        POD-SELECTOR   AGE
allow-ingress-region-east   region=east    41s


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