Bootstrap FreeKB - IBM WebSphere - Assign a security domain to a cell, node, cluster, or application server
IBM WebSphere - Assign a security domain to a cell, node, cluster, or application server

Updated:   |  IBM WebSphere articles

If you are not familiar with security domains, check out our getting started article.This assumes you've created a security domain and have applied attributes to the security domain.

Assign the security domain to a cell, node, cluster, or application server.

  1. In the WebSphere admin console, expand Security and select Security domains.
  2. Select the security domain you want to customize.
  3. In the Assigned Scopes section, select the cell, node, cluster, or server you want the security domain to be applied to.

After assigning the security domain to a cell, node, cluster, or application server, you will need to restart the cell, node, cluster, or application server for the change to take effect.

In this example, the security domain is assigned to application server server01.

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