IBM WebSphere - List default profile using manageprofiles getDefaultName
Jeremy Canfield |
Updated: January 31 2023
| IBM WebSphere articles
If you are not sure what a profile is, refer to this article.
There are a number of options can be be used with the (Linux) or manageprofiles.bat (Windows) script.
- Backup a profile (-backupProfile)
- Create a new profile (-create)
- Delete a profile (-delete)
- Determine if a profile is valid in the registry (-validateRegistry)
- Determine if a profile is valid in the registry and updae (-validateAndUpdateRegistry)
- List profiles (-listProfiles)
- List default profile (-getDefaultName) (this article)
- List profile path (-getPath)
- Restore a profile (-restoreProfile)
The -listProfiles option can be used to list the profiles on the system. In this example, there are two profiles, AppSrv01 and AppSrv02.
~]# ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/bin/ -listProfiles
[AppSrv01, AppSrv02]
By default, profiles reside at ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/profiles, so you can just as easily list the contents of the ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/profiles directory.
~]# ls ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/profiles
AppSrv01 AppSrv02
The the -getDefaultName option can be used to display the default profile.
~]# ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/bin/ -getDefaultName
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