IBM WebSphere - Propagate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using wsadmin and

Jeremy Canfield |
Updated: June 20 2024
| IBM WebSphere articles
The web server plugin is used to create a communication channel between IBMs IHS web server and a WebSphere application server.
This assumes you have already done the following:
- Installed IHS web server
- Installed the web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) package
- Added IHS web server to the dmgr
- Configure applications to use one or more application servers and the IHS web server
Propagating the web server plugin means that you are sending the plugin-cfg.xml file from your WebSphere application server or dmgr to your IHS web server.
It is important to recognize that you may have two (or more) plugin-cfg.xml files.
- global plugin-cfg.xml file that would be used by all of the IHS HTTP servers that have been added in your WebSphere admin console
- dedicated plugin-cfg xml file(s), one for each IHS HTTP server that has been added in your WebSphere admin console
The global plugin-cfg.xml file should be located at
dedicated plugin-cfg.xml file(s) should be located at
There are various ways to go about generating the global or dedicated plugin-cfg.xml files.
- global or dedicated - Generate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using GenPluginCfg
- dedicated - wsadmin and (this article)
- dedicated - Generate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using wsadmin
- global or dedicated - Generate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using the dmgr
- dedicated - Generate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using the PCT command
There are various ways to propagate the plugin.
- Propagate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using the dmgr
- Propagate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using GenPluginCfg
- Propagate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using wsadmin
- Propagate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using wsadmin and (this article)
- Propagate web server plugin (plugin-cfg.xml) using
Here is the syntax.
${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/profiles/<dmgr profile>/bin/
-lang jython propagatePlugin <dmgr root directory> <cell name> <node name> <web server name>
For example.
-f /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
-lang jython
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