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Linux Commands articles
$? (exit code or return code)
Add a label to a partition using the e2label command
Add swap space to a Linux partition
alias (create commands)
apt-cache (search for a package)
apt-get (install update packages)
arp (address resolution protocol)
at (schedule a one time job)
base64 command
batch (schedule jobs)
blkid command (determine file system type)
bunzip2 (unzip a bzip2 archive)
bzip2 (compress file)
Capture packets using the tcpdump command
cat or tac (view the content of a file)
chage (user account aging information expire password)
Check a file system for errors in Linux
chkconfig (runlevel)
chmod (change a file or directory standard permissions)
chown (change ownership)
Common vi editor commands
cp (copy)
cpio (create, view, and extract an archive)
Create a disk partition using the fdisk command
Create file using the touch command
Create hard, soft and symbolic links (symlink) using the ln command
date command
debugfs command (recover a deleted file)
declare command
Delete a disk partition using the fdisk command
Delete files and directories using the rm (remove) command
df command (disk filesystem usage)
df command (inodes)
dhclient (dhcp - obtain, renew, and release IP address)
diff command (differences between files)
dig (name server lookup DNS)
dig (view DNS information)
Display CPU details using the lscpu command
Display file atime ctime mtime using the stat command
Display how long server has been running using the uptime command
Display IP address info using the ip command
Display when system was last rebooted using the who command
echo (print output)
edquota (edit quota)
exec (execute a command)
expand (replace tabs with spaces)
file command (determine file system type)
file command (determine file type)
Filter output using awk
Filter output using grep
find command - date accessed (-atime)
find command - date changed (-ctime)
find command - date modified (-mtime)
find command - exclude "permission denied"
find command - exclude directories from search (-not -path)
find command - Exclude file systems from search (-xdev)
find command - executable files
find command - hidden files and directories
find command - mindepth and maxdepth
find files owned by group
find files owned by user
Find files that are greater than or less than a certain size
find files that match permission
Find files using the locate command
fold (wrap text)
free (view RAM memory)
fuser (determine the PID of a file)
fuser (view kill processes)
gdisk (format disk partition)
genkey (create a public / private key pair using crypto-utils)
getfacl (view access control entries)
gpasswd (change group password)
grep (--exclude-dir)
groupadd (create group)
groupmod (modify group)
growisofs (burn CD or DVD)
gunzip (unzip a gzip archive)
gzip (compress file)
hash command
How to use the DD and mkisofs commands to create an ISO or IMG file in Linux
htpasswd (add user)
htpasswd (delete user)
hwclock (hardware clock)
iconv (character encoding standard)
id command
ifconfig (IP address information)
ifconfig command (temporarily change the MAC address)
ifconfig promisc (promiscuous mode)
Increase the size of a disk partition using the fdisk command
info (information about a command)
insmod (insert a module)
ip neighborhood (view address resolution cache)
ipcrc (remove semaphores)
ipcs (list semaphores)
isql (connect to a database)
isql --version (SQL version)
join (combine or merge lines in two different files)
journalctl (view the journal)
journalctl (word wrap text)
journalctl --since and --until filters
kill (end a process)
killall (end a process)
last (view current and recently logged in users)
Linux LANG variable with examples
List CPU stats using the sar command
List environment variables using the env command
List environment variables using the printenv command
List files and directories using the find command
List files and directories using the ls command
List LDAP and local user accounts using the getent passwd command
List partitions using the fdisk command
List shared libraries modules using the ldd command
List the amount of memory and CPU used using the top command
List the amount of space being using the du (disk usage) command
locale (language, country, character encoding standard)
logger (add records to a log file)
lp (print a file)
lpc (list printers)
lpq (print queue)
lpr (print a file)
lprm (remove print jobs)
lpstat (list available printers)
ls (list) --ignore
lsblk command (list hard drive solid state drive)
lsmod (list loaded modules)
lsof command
man (view manual for a command)
mdadm --detail (show details of RAID array)
mdadm --examine (partition RAID)
mdadm --stop (stop a RAID array)
mkdir (make directory)
mke2fs (create a file system)
mkfs (create a file system)
Modify Network Manager using the nmlci command
modinfo (view module information)
modprobe (insert and remove modules)
Mount a partition or share using the mount command
mv (move)
netstat (view network connections)
nice (influence a process to run with higher or lower priority)
nl (number lines)
nohup command (run a process while logged out)
nslookup (name server lookup DNS)
ntpdate (synchronize to an NTP server)
ntpq (view NTP servers being used)
parted (format disk partition)
passwd (change a users password)
paste (read, delimit, combine files)
pdbedit command (Samba users)
pr (format file for printing)
printf (print output)
Prompt for user input using the read command
ps commad - show processes being run by a certain user (-U)
ps command (process PID)
ps command - add additional columns (-f)
ps command - display a process associated with a certain PID (-p)
ps command - display how long a process has been running (-o etime etimes)
ps command - show all running processes (-e -A ax)
ps command - show processes being run by a system service (-C)
quotacheck command (check disk quota)
quotaon (enable quota)
regex using awk and gsub
Remove a module using the rmmod command
Remove directory using rmdir
renice (influence a process to run with higher or lower priority)
repquota command (view quota)
resolvectl command (DNS)
route (view and create network routes)
rpm2cpio command (compress an RPM package into a CPIO archive)
rsync (remote copy)
schedule reoccurring jobs using crontab (cron table)
scp (transfer files using secure copy protocol)
sed (delete)
sed (replace string)
Send and retrieve email using the mail command
Send and retrieve email using the sendmail command
seq (sequence of numbers)
service command
Set file atime ctime mtime using the touch command
setfacl (create update access control entries)
Setting Alternatives
Setting time zone using the TZ variable
shutdown (shutdown, reboot, halt, poweroff)
source (export variable)
split (divide a single file into multiple files)
split a string using the cut command
ssh-keyscan command (get SSH keys)
star (create, view, extract an archive)
su (switch user)
sudo (give a group permission to run certain commands)
sudo (give a user permission to run certain commands)
systemctl command
tee (redirect output to both the console and a file)
tr (trade, replace, change characters)
tracepath (trace route to a host)
tzselect (time zone select)
ulimit (list and update a users limits)
umask (view and update default permission masks)
umount (unmount a partition or share)
uname (display information about the kernel)
unexpand (replace spaces with tabs in a file)
unfold (unwrap text)
uniq (filter unique lines)
unset (undefine a variable)
useradd (create a user account)
userdel (delete user account)
usermod (modifying a users account)
Using DPKG to manage Debian packages in Linux
Validate an XML and XSD file using the xmllint command
View logged in users using the who command
Viewing boot events using dmesg or the boot.log
w (view logged in users)
wall (send message to other systems)
watch command (run a command once every x seconds)
wc (count words, characters, and lines)
wget (download files from remote systems)
whereis command
which command
xargs (convert stdin to an argument)
xml_grep (parse XML file)
xwininfo command (display information about a window)
yum (download, install, remove, update packages)
yumdownloader (download a package)
How to access an SD Card on a Samsung device using Linux
Linux Commands
Return directory name using dirname
Understanding the X font server in Linux
Install notepadqq
Resolve "Sorry, user is not allowed to execute as root"
Resolve "End of central directory signature not found"
Resolve "failure: repodata/repomd.xml [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try."
Resolve "Mount Error(5) Input/Output error"
Resolve "mount: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program."
Resolve "not allowed to run sudo"
Resolve "Read Only File System"
Resolve "sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin"
Resolve "The semaphore timeout period has expired"
Resolve "too many open files"
Resolve "ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted"
Resolve error "Mount Error(13) Permission Denied"